Friday, October 31, 2008

Jon Hamm on 30 Rock?!

Sources confirm today that Jon Hamm, of Mad Men and now SNL fame, will appear on a multi-episode story arch on 30 Rock!! I know, I don't think I will be able to handle the sheer awesomeness. 

Apparently he is going to be playing Tina Fey's love interest and neighbor on the show. She must have been impressed with his comedic chops on last week's Saturday Night Live. He was like a shining glimmer of perfect handsomness and talent in the murk of the poorly written SNL swamp that was last week's show.

Now the 30 Rock last night? (Thursday 9:30) That was comedy! Hope everyone is watching!
Just for fun and for hot imagination purposes I am icluding amazingly smokin' pictures of both actors.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Funniest Sketch SNL Had To Offer

Okay, this may be in bad taste, but I find in insanely hilarious. Jon Hamm's John Ham, the ham you eat on the john. The rest of the show was abysmal on Saturday but this is a must watch if you missed it. The "Mmmm, that's good ham" line reminded me of Dan Ackroyd's Bass'o'matic chimerical from the good old days. Classic.

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Death Pumpkin

That's no moon! That's a space pumpkin!!

Okay, I have posted before on the amazing Barack O'Lanterns that people have been making this Halloween. Thank you to Shana for this picture of what may be one of the most amazing carving jobs I have ever seen.

Ok, just one more Star Wars Halloween pun I swear this is it!

I find your lack of fun-sized Snickers disturbing.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Heroes: Heading Heroically Down Hill

Man I used to love Heroes. I would get all excited on Monday nights. We even used to get pizza from our favorite place and sit around the TV basking in warming glow of overly-attractive faux-heroes Heroes. They are a bunch of pretty-pretty princesses aren't they? 

This season however, into it's fourth episode, has been severely disappointing. Where there used to be a feeling of a hectic ride through a live action comic book, it now feels like a hectic ride through a live action blender. Almost all the characters have done some form of 180, (or they might do it in the future! OOooOoo! Spooky!) and just when you think you've got a grasp on the new spin of your favorite hero, they change again. Wait they're dead! No they're not dead, it was just a illusion! Wait! That illusion is being created by a new villain! Wait, they've know about this villain forever but never told you! Quick get rid of some character people like to force someone new into the story line!

Honestly I couldn't even tell you what's actually going on in the show right now, other than that they are looking for some formula. A formula that I could care less about because they've stopped giving you a chance to care about anything. Just watch the pretty-prettys do pretty things people! Don't pay anything attention to the non existent man behind the curtain. Right now it seems like no one is steering the Heroes ship. They had better change course soon though, cause I was so not quite ready to head back shore. A whole season like this though, and I start swimming. (Sharks being jumped be-damned!)

Monday, October 13, 2008

No 30 Rock Till The 30th

We have to wait till October 30th for new episodes of 30 Rock, but it looks like we're in store for a star-bedazzled third season! Oprah doesn't just guest star for anyone you know.

I couldn't get the preview I saw to actually post, so instead I added one of the funniest moments from the show ever, for people who haven't seen it, or for those of us who want to relive the hilarity. Jack takes Tracy to therapy, and the rest is gold, pure gold.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Baby Pee In Your Face!

I think we've ventured too far into the world of realistic babies in children's toys. I've seen the ones that swim, the ones that cry,  the ones that wiggle like real babies, and the ones that yes, pee. A peeing doll sadly is not news. It's true they've been around for quite sometime.  This new doll from the UK though, takes the whole thing to another, much more disturbing level.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Nintendo Releases New DSi

Yes ladies and gentlemen, one week after I got my brand new DS for my birthday, Nintendo announced the release of the new DSi. It's slightly thinner, with a large screen. (A gallery can be found here.) The best new feature that I will surely be jealous of is the built in wifi and internet browser, this is useful in any device.

It also boast two cameras, the one on the front being three megapixles, and the one facing the player having slightly less resolution. It will also have a music player and of course photo viewer.

The feature I am having trouble with is the new SD card slot that replaces the GBA cartridge slot in the back. Are all games going to have to be downloaded onto your SD card? Sounds kind of cool, but doesn't this mean no cheap used games and no sharing games with friends? I'm all for scaling things down and making as much data digital as possibly, but not when it detracts any usefulness.  Not worth it.

Yes, I think I will be holding on to my regular DS. An attachment can be bought to add wifi and browser capabilities.  Sure this jacks the price up past the $180.00 asking price for the new DSi, but at least I don't have to wait until 2009 to play it.