Yes ladies and gentlemen, one week after I got my brand new DS for my birthday, Nintendo announced the release of the new
DSi. It's slightly thinner, with a large screen. (A gallery can be found
here.) The best new feature that I will surely be jealous of is the built in wifi and internet browser, this is useful in any device.
It also boast two cameras, the one on the front being three megapixles, and the one facing the player having slightly less resolution. It will also have a music player and of course photo viewer.
The feature I am having trouble with is the new SD card slot that replaces the GBA cartridge slot in the back. Are all games going to have to be downloaded onto your SD card? Sounds kind of cool, but doesn't this mean no cheap used games and no sharing games with friends? I'm all for scaling things down and making as much data digital as possibly, but not when it detracts any usefulness. Not worth it.
Yes, I think I will be holding on to my regular DS. An attachment can be bought to add
wifi and
browser capabilities. Sure this jacks the price up past the $180.00 asking price for the new DSi, but at least I don't have to wait until 2009 to play it.